What does an Ayurvedic Consultation involve?
The initial consultation will involve an in-depth interview and examination of the patients health condition.
The following will be assessed:
- Unique bodily intelligence (Body constitution - Prakruti)
- Which bodily intelligences are effected (Imbalanced state - Vikruti) - State of mind - based on Sattva, Rajas, Tamas
- Causative factors for any imbalances - diet, lifestyle, work, environmental, home etc.
- Bodily tissues and channels that have been affected
Forms of diagnosis used:
- Pulse diagnosis
- Tongue examination
- Iridology
- Facial, skin, hair
- Digestive capacity
- Questioning and observation
After the diagnosis:
- A treatment plan will be provided, including diet, lifestyle, daily routines, treatments and herbs
- Suggested follow up visits
- Step by step guidance and support
- Initial consultation 90mins - $120
- Follow up 30mins - $50
- Follow up 45mins - $90
- Online or phone consultations are available on request.
What to bring to the consultation:
- Medical reports
- X-rays
- List of medications you are currently taking
- Food diary - including breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, fluids consumed over the past week or regularly consumed
- Avoid prior to your appointment - stimulants such as coffee and tea, eating a large meal
Ayurveda is very effective in health conditions such as:
- Gas and bloating
- Constipation, irritable bowel syndrome
- Digestive issues
- Headaches and migraines
- Weight loss
- Joint and back pain
- Respiratory issues, asthma
- Hormonal imbalance, PMS, infertility, menopause, irregular periods
- Mental ailments - depression, anxiety, stress, insomnia, ADHD
- Skin issues - excema
- Diabetes
- High blood pressure, high cholesterol
- Arthritis
Ayurveda compliments Allopathic Medicine (Western medicine) and other health modalities.
If you are taking Allopathic medicine which generally suppresses the symptoms of the disease, Ayurvedic Medicine can compliment the process by treating the root cause of the disease. This will assist in detoxifying the system, strengthening the metabolism, building the immune system and off setting any side effects. We are very happy to work side by side with your Doctor. If you are seeing any other health practitioners please let us know what you are doing such as treatments, dietary, herbs etc so we can take into account when putting together your treatment plan.
The definition of health according to Ayurveda
"The person who has balanced Doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha), balanced digestive fire, normal functioning of the 7 bodily tissues, proper elimination of the 3 wastes (faeces, urine, sweat), correct functioning of the senses and mind,
and who is happy, is known as being healthy"
(Sushruta sutra sthana .5th-15/45).
Good Medicine
According to Ayurveda everything can be medicine or a poison, depending on how it is used. Ayurveda acknowledges that no treatment or remedy is appropriate for all people or in all circumstances.
The art of good medicine is two-fold: to understand the patient and their situation and to know how and when to act to assist nature in bringing appropriate healing to the patient.