How is Ayurveda unique from other health modalities?
Ayurveda has never changed, because the basic principles derive from the Universal Laws of Nature which is eternally true. This is the great strength of this science.
Ayurveda is a philosophy of life, meaning the teachings need to be implemented into life and experienced, not just a modality, meaning just knowledge - this is the difference between many other health approach in the world. Ayurveda is about action! Not just listening, its about putting the practices into action - seeing and feeling the benefit, the changes, how it changes your life and others. These changes maybe to your mentality, outlook on life, your attitude and your thought patterns.
Everyone has a unique body constitution (Prakruti) which we are given at birth. This allows treatment and lifestyle to be specific to each person.
Ayurveda looks at the body as a whole. Meaning one part of the body effects all parts of the body. Based on this Ayurveda defines life as the intelligent coordination of the Soul (Atma), the Mind (Manas), the Senses (Indriyas) and the Body (Sharira).
Ayurveda focuses on prevention of disease. Providing daily and seasonal routines to live a balanced lifestyle in tune with nature.
Ayurveda treats the root cause of a disease not the symptoms.
The Theory of the Three Doshas - Vata, Pitta, Kapha - our bodily intelligence. These keep our body in a normal state. If the Doshas are in balance the body is in balance. This theory will explain why two people can eat the same thing but can be metabolised differently. Ayurveda anatomy and physiology is based on this.
The Five Element theory. What ever is present in the universe has an impact on everyone. The 5 elements have an impact on the human body - Doshas, bodily tissues, wastes, mind, taste, season- Ether (AKASH),Air (VAYU), Fire (AGNI), Water (AP or JAL), Earth (PRITHIVI). Health is the perfect balance of the 5 elements and disease is an imbalance of the 5 elements.
The importance of the Digestive Fire (Agni). In Ayurveda all disease begins in the gut. When your digestion and metabolism are properly functioning, you reap the nutrients of what you eat. You also expel toxins (urine, faeces, sweat) properly, that otherwise accumulate into toxins (Ama), that slow down your mind and body and ultimately cause disease. Correcting ones digestive fire is number one for correcting a persons health.
The Three Gunas. Is the phenomena that the universe comes under the influence of three primary phases of activity. Sattva is the quality of intelligence, virtue and goodness and creates harmony, balance and stability. Rajas is the quality of change, activity and turbulence and creates distraction, stimulation, distress and conflict. Tamas is the quality of dullness, darkness, and inertia and is heavy, veiling and obstructing in action. A mind naturally dominated by Sattva correlates with consciousness and clarity. Rajas and Tamas are factors of mental disharmony. These are used to judge mental maturity - the prime attributes of Prakruti.